Tax Info: Students


Submit form 8843 to the federal government each year: “豁免个人和有健康状况的个人声明”必须 每年(即使您没有收入)向美国国税局提交的个人所得税 在税务方面是一个非居民外国人,并且现在在美国.S. under F-1, F-2, J-1, or J-2 status. This is not an income tax return. Form 8843 is an informational statement required by the U.S. government for nonresident aliens holding certain visa 类型(包括非居民外国人的配偶或家属). For students, the 声明的重点是他们在美国预设的天数和天数 不计入实质存在测试(见第1部分问题) 4).

Students with jobs: 在收到小时工offer (SWA表格)或研究生合同时, 学生的工作资格将由预算和分析部门核实 as part of the I-9 process.(See the section below on the I-9 form.) The next step 为学生安排与联邦合规经理(他也是)的会议 (全国步枪协会税务协调员)进行实质存在测试,完成W-4表格 形成,并确定是否允许税收协定优惠. Foreign students may 在税收方面是居民或非居民. This tax classification is 由在美国的年数决定,并影响你的税率.

Exemption from certain taxes: 所有持有F-1, J-1, M-1或Q-1签证免缴社会保障税(也称为FICA税) 当你从事被允许的活动时,对他们的工资征收医疗保险税 under your visa. These taxes are over 7% of your wages. The exemption is defined in section 3121 (b) (19) of the tax law. Employers often are not aware of this section 你应该在招聘的时候向他们提供这些信息 process. 如果你的暑期雇主,实习雇主,或者科技公司的工资部 从你的薪水支票中扣缴了这些税款如果你犯了错误你应该联系他们 ask for a refund. 如果他们不退还税款,你应该向国税局申请 a refund. 填写您的退款申请IRS表格843和8316,并邮寄到 the same address you mailed your income tax return. A step by step guide to the refund process is here: Step by step guide to request a refund

Examples of completed forms are here:



NRA Student Scholarships/Grants/Fellowships: 联邦税务合规经理审查张贴到的补助金和奖学金 以确定部分收入是否应作为收入纳税. 美国国税局关于合格和不合格教育费用的指导方针适用于 the student's account. 如果收件人有纳税义务,他们会收到通知, 并根据学生所在国家给予避税的税收协定优惠 of tax residency and their eligibility. All income taxes owed are processed as a charge to the student's account. 

Student Workers

Form I-9: Employment Eligibility Verification

威尼斯人app下载将向所有毕业生发放I-9表格,就业资格验证 and undergraduate students with campus employment. They must have a completed form I-9 before their first day of work.

The student worker shall review the form instructions 并确定他们将提供哪些文件来证明身份和工作资格.

带上文件的原件,填妥第1节的I-9表格, 和你签署的工作授权(或研究生合同,或一次性工资文件) 到布朗厅100室预算分析部. (Note that the payroll 院系不再向在校打工的学生发放I-9表格)

Application for a Social Security card

A social security card is required for all employees. The social security number on 这张卡用于工资和所得税的申报过程.

如果你还没有社保卡,你仍然可以开始工作,你会的 receive paychecks. 您将获得一个临时号码,用于工资单 system until you receive a social security number.

之后,联邦政府的社会保障局(SSA)会发放这张卡 出示身份证明和工作授权文件原件, and a completed application. You may call them with questions:  (800) 772-1213 Their nearest location is in Albuquerque.


Annual Income Tax Return preparation


你每年要完成一份名为“纳税申报表”的报告,以核对纳税情况 你欠的钱是从你的工资中扣除的. These tax returns 新墨西哥州和美国联邦政府(IRS). The due date is April 15th.

一个名为tax Help New Mexico的免费报税服务将为您提供报税服务 学生的纳税申报表,如果他们是美国公民或外籍居民的税务目的. See their web site for locations and operating hours. 


参加REU项目(本科生研究经历)的学生 是否有资金支付学费、生活费、差旅费和个人津贴. 这些资金被记入学生账户,交易被分类为 奖学金,因为没有服务欠大学. The tax obligation is 与其他奖学金相同:a)以税收为目的的公民和外国居民获得 在年底填写1098-T表格,并在报税表上计算应税金额;b) 非居民外国人从不合格部分中扣除14%的所得税  在学生账户中付款,并在年底收到1042-S表格.

更详细的信息见题为“预算、定价”的有限资金文件 and Charging Sponsored Agreements”.

1098T Compliance- Reporting Tuition Payments

商务办公室将1098-T税表寄给美国和常驻外国学生 年终文件,学费和合格费用的支付,以及奖学金 funds that were posted to the student account.